PGOS provides the below services for developers; please click the corresponding service for more details.
Services | Contents | Introduction |
Player Management | Player Authentication | Player Authentication is the process of verifying whether a player has permission to access PGOS services. |
Player Info | Player Info is basic player properties, such as player ID, display name, avatar, and gender. PGOS also supports developers customizing the player custom info | |
Player KV Data | Player Data is a set of key-value pairs for a player that are defined by the game on the web portal and accessed by the game client and dedicated server. | |
Player Blob Data | PGOS provides player blob data service to help developers use binary large object in the game. | |
Player Presence | PGOS SDK supports showing player presence in friend list and developers can customize the player status | |
Player Ban | Players who have been reported for bad behavior (such as cheating in the game, abusing others, etc.) can be banned by the game operators on the web portal | |
Data Storage | Title Region Config Data | Title region config data are sets of config data associated with the title region, such as level experience ramp, damage rules, community website, and so on. Title Region Config Data can be imported through a local JSON file and exported to a local JSON file on the portal |
Player KVData | Player Data are sets of key-value pairs for a player; the player data template should be customized by the game via the web portal before using it. | |
DS Hosting | Builds | PGOS assigns one dedicated server for each battle generated by matchmaking or lobby, and DS Management & Hosting is a service that allocates dedicated server instances flexibly and efficiently. |
Fleets | ||
Placers | ||
Local DS | To facilitate the rapid deployment of the game on a DS in a non-production environment, PGOS provides a local DS mechanism. This allows you to deploy a game on a local (non-cloud) DS without having to add any additional code to the DS or game client. This type of DS is included in the PGOS work system as an available DS and allocated to the game client. | |
Battle Service | Party | Party is a service for creating player groups in a game and includes party creation, player invitation, and party event dispatching. |
Lobby | The Lobby Service works with the DS Hosting and Management service and provides a way for the game to gather players together to start a battle. | |
Matchmaking | The matchmaking service matches a number of players into one battle based on a specific rule set. PGOS supports multiple matchmaking rulesets and backfill. | |
Battle Session | Battle Session is used to assist DS in managing game battles. It represents one game battle which lifecycle is consistent with the game battle. | |
World | World is an entity that players can join and leave freely and smoothly. | |
Social | Text Chat | Text Chat allows players to send and receive instant messages with other players. Text Chat consists of the following: Personal Chat, Group Chat and Instant Chat. PGOS also integrates ACE text moderation solution and supports profanity words filtering for text . |
Friends | A social system that maintains friendship for game players, which provides friend list operation for every player and friend presence as well. | |
Blocklist | Blocklist is a player list set by each player. Some player behaviors (such as sending a friend request and chat) are prohibited when in the list. If a player doesn't want to be bothered by another player, they can add them to the block list. | |
Group | PGOS Group is a service to create a persistent grouping mechanism for players to chat and interact with each other. A player can create or join in multiple groups. Roles of group members are provided to implement various group management features. | |
Public Chat | The Public Chat is a service that allows all the players to join the same global chat channel and take free talk with each others. It is like somehow a very big chat room. By this feature, players can send chat messages, or party/group/lobby invitation to other online players. For the game operators, they can also broadcast system notice messages on this channel to all the players on the Portal. | |
Economy | Currency | You can use virtual currency to price the items in the store, and you can also grant or deduct the virtual currency held by the player in the game server or virtual server to enrich gameplay. |
In-game Items | Developers can create a collection of items With in-game items and use them in a variety of scenarios. | |
Stores | Players can purchase in-game items in store. Developers can define multiple stores in the title region, and configure the items and their prices contained in these stores. | |
Player Inventory | Developers can use player inventory to manage the virtual currency and in-game items held by the player. | |
Player Wallet | The Player wallet is designed to help you manage the currencies held by the players. All currencies purchased or awarded by the players can be checked for their balance and used amount in the wallet. | |
Extension | Virtual Server | Virtual Server is a service based on the Serverless Framework. It allows you to develop and run back-end code in any language in a lightweight development runtime environment. Game developers can use Virtual Server to implement custom services using the Backend Http API. |
Message Bus | The message channel for communicating between your own hosted backend and dedicated server PGOS hosted directly, by which PGOS Event can also trigger your own hosted backend as well. You don't need to build the public network access for communicating compared to the Webhook. | |
Event | An Event is generated when something happens. For example, an “event_player_session_started” Event will be generated when a player session is started. One or more Actions can be triggered by an Event. These Actions can be configured in the Web Portal. | |
Task | A Task automatically executes specific Actions at a given time. | |
Webhook | Webhook is a "user-defined http/https callback" that can be set to Events' Actions, which is triggered by Events. | |
Engagement | Mail is a service that helps developers send in-game mail to players asynchronously. You can send a mail through PGOS web portal or virtual server. Game client can pull mails, mark mails, delete mails and claim the attachment in mails. | |
Goals | Goal is a service that allows you to set numerous challenges for players and then package these challenges into a variety of outer loop features, for example, Achievement, Quests, Battle Pass,etc. Games can use the client SDK to access goal service to retrieve the player's challenge progress. | |
Leaderboard | PGOS provides a flexible leaderboard, including a persistent and cycled leaderboard, an enormous ranking data scale, real-time updating and multi-values sorting,etc. | |
Misc | Player Settings | The Settings module provides the game with the ability to manage player-related settings. It usually corresponds to the settings interface of the game clients. |
DevOps | Title Region Export & Import | Developers can export a title region configuration (excluding player data) to a snapshot file at any time, and then import the snapshot file to specified title regions. Snapshot files are readable YAML files. Before importing, you can even modify them or manage them in your own version control system. |
Title Region Synchronization | This feature allows you to directly synchronize the configuration between multiple title regions without worrying about the snapshot files. It is particularly efficient for DevOps engineers using this feature to release and update game versions. | |
Title Region Open&Close | Title regions can be opened and closed at any time. Once a region is closed, players cannot log in. This facilitates the updates and maintenance of the game. |