The Roadmap shows the features that PGOS plans to support in 2024, but the delivery time and prioritization of features will be adjusted based on actual game requirements. Some minor features and details are not shown here, pls refer to the sprint content.
2024 Q1 (January-March)
- Xbox Item Store Reconciliation: The ability to purchase items from the Epic and Xbox store, and have PGOS grant inventory items and virtual currency consuming the items. This allows games to build an economy by selling PGOS-managed items using Xbox as the "payment processor“.
Lobby: players can apply to join a lobby, and the lobby owner can accept or reject the application.
Party joining control strategies (only the party leader can modify it):
- Public for anyone ( except for the blocklist of party leaders)
- Only the friends of the leader can join directly
- Only friends of all members can join directly
- Only invite
Party invite control policies (only the leader can modify):
- Only the leader can invite
- all members can invite
Two-way blocklist filtering for party joining and inviting silently:
- Anyone isn't able to join the party if he is in the blocklist of the leader or the leader is in his blocklist.
- Anyone isn't able to invite others who are on the blocklist.
- Anyone will not receive the invitation from the player who was in the blocklist
Account Authentication:
- Multiple Accounts logged in at the same time: The ability to log multiple users into PGOS on the same device at the same time.
- Cross-platform Account Link: A PGOS ID links to multiple platform accounts.
PGOS Prometheus Exporter: Supports exporting metrics. The game can use the metrics to set up a data dashboard on the game side and monitor the data metrics. (We can continuously add more metrics based on game requirements)
DS Hosting:
- Support Bare Metal: Automatically schedule the bare metal by API.
Billing System: The game can view the billing of basic services, DS hosting, and Virtual Server.
2024 Q2 (April-June)
PGOS SDK Adapt to Switch
- Schedule store category availability in advance: You can create multiple store categories, which are divided into simple categories and advanced categories.
- For simple categories, you can publish all or part of the store items in the category at any time.
- For advanced categories, you can customize the published schedule of store items more flexibly.
- Support item instance tags: You can update the tags data of the specified item instance in the player's inventory by calling SetInstanceTags API, both the client and the server can invoke this API.
- Supported item instance mutable custom data: The mutable custom data(key-value pairs) of the item instance, which can be set or increased by the server. You can use these APIs to set or increase mutable custom data: GrantItemToPlayer, SetInstanceCustomData, and [IncrInstanceCustomData
Matchmaking post-processing:
- When PGOS completed the matchmaking workflow, it - supports using a virtual server to inspect, adjust, and modify the matchmaking results, game side can determine the validity of the matchmaking results, change the matchmaking results, and re-queuing certain matchmaking tickets into the matchmaking queue to start re-matchmaking.
Virtual Server
- Add system preset Environment Variables.
- Allowed to update virtual server image while VS stopped.
- Added consuming item idempotency token in the virtual server’s request data.
- Added VS CI/CD tracing and optimized the status display of VS on the portal.
2024 Q3 (July-September)
- Economy
- Midas Adaptation: Tencent's real money payment system, PGOS backend will interact with Midas to sync the order info.
- Lobby
- Added an advanced mode in lobby configuration, which allows configuring of multiple team groups and players can join specified groups in the lobby. Slot selection within a group will follow the team selection strategy from the lobby configuration.
- Allow to bind flexible placer. You can set up various game modes and assign a specific placer to each mode. After initiating a battle, the system will bind the corresponding placer based on the game modes provided by the lobby.
- World
- Supported join invitation and confirmation mechanism when joining world/battle session, and the
event has been merged into theOnWorldBattleSessionUpdated
event and is no longer supported separately.
- Supported join invitation and confirmation mechanism when joining world/battle session, and the
- Title Config Data
- It is a set of key-value pairs for the whole title. It is commonly used to store configuration data that is applicable across the title, such as the title region info list, game client version control data, and so on. If you use HTTP API for the title file, please refer to the specification to view the verified method of HTTP API.
- Title File
- PGOS provides a file management system that manages files title-wide. The title file information can be accessed by the game client and game server, and the game can choose to download them using the obtained URLs. If you use HTTP API for the title file, please refer to the specification to view the verified method of HTTP API.
- Web Console
- Allows users to select an activated DS instance on the PGOS Console and enter the terminal (Linux SSH or Windows RDP).
- In-game Mail: Send the mail to all players
2024 Q4 (October-November)
Ticketing System
- Support bug and requirement tracking.
Queuing System
- When a large number of players log in at the same time, players will queue up to enter the game according to the login time.
DS Hosting
- Shared Memory Mode V2: Supports dynamic schedule of DS resources
- Support synchronizing the selected configurations by developers to other regions, instead of synchronizing all the configurations at once.
Blog System
- Provide a PGOS forum enabling developers to share comments or ideas.
DevOps: Deploy more data centers based on game requirements
Documentation Localization: Chinese
- Child Leadboard: Classify the leaderboard data according to its additional attributes to generate multiple subsets of the leaderboard, called child leaderboard, For example, using player-level ranking to generate a provincial leaderboard.
- Grant rewards to players based on their ranking
- Friend Leaderboard