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Player Data Export

1. Overview

To improve the game operation experience, we provide a player data export functionality. With this feature, developers can easily export detailed player information. This feature provides great convenience when performing in-depth statistics and analysis of player data. It helps you to better learn players' behaviors and preferences, which contribute to the continuous optimization and upgrading of the game.

2. How to Export Player Data

Step 1. Go to the Player Data Export page on the console shown below.


Step 2. Click the New Player Data Export button. Subsequently, input the description and pick out the fields that you intend to export. Finally, initiate a new export task.


Step 3. A new task will be prompted in the list. You can download the package once the exporting task completed. The screen is shown below.


The above-mentioned files contain the exported player data and header files. The header files can help developers in mapping to the corresponding headers in the player data file. The "" is a Python script that can merge the "player info", "player stat", and "player kv data" files into one CSV file.


How to use python script

Please put the Python script and the downloaded files in the same folder, and then directly run the Python script. When performing the merge operation, make sure there is sufficient storage space.

3. Field Explanation

open_id: Player‘s open id

gender: Player's gender.

avatar_uri: Player's avatar uri.

account_provider: Account service provider

FAS = 0;                  // Fake account service provided by PGOS. 
INTL = 1; // Account service provided by Proxima for overseas games.
MSDK = 2; // Account service provided by Tencent for China mainland games.
WeGame = 3; // Account service provided by WeGame.
PlayFab = 4; // Account service provided by PlayFab.
Steam = 5; // Account service provided by Steam.
Epic = 6; // Account service provided by Epic(EOS), only epicgames identity is supported.
XboxLive = 7; // Account service provided by XboxLive.
PlayStationNetwork = 8; // Account service provided by PlayStationNetwork.
Nintendo = 9; // Account service provided by Nintendo.

account_platform: Account platform name. It can be one of the following values:


account_id: An account platform user id owned by the player (e.g. Steam SteamID, PSN account id, Xbox XUID).

os: The operating system of the platform where the player logs in.

UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown platform
LINUX = 1; // Linux operating system
WINDOWS = 2; // Windows operating system
MAC = 3; // macOS operating system
ANDROID = 4; // Android operating system
IOS = 5; // iOS operating system
XBOX = 6; // Xbox game console
PS = 7; // PlayStation game console
NS = 8; // Nintendo Switch game console
WEB = 9; // Web platform (browser-based)

language: player's display language, if you want your game to be multilingual.

created_time: The time when the player was created.

display_name: player's display name.

cur_online_login_time: The login time of currently online player.

cur_online_login_ip: The login ip of currently online player.

login_time: The time of the last login.

logout_time: The time of the last logout. total_time: The total playtime of the player.

login_ip: The IP address of the last login.